
Promoting supply chain visibility via grower engagement

Scaling sustainable, quality assured supply chains through engaging agronomic workflows

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Achieving high grower engagement and collaboration is an essential to achieving efficient, sustainable and transparent supply chains. It is also notoriously difficult to secure, especially when it comes to smallholder farmers in emerging economies such as Vietnam.

Vietnam is one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee, peppercorn, and rice – grown largely by smallholder farmers across the country. This huge, distributed scale of production is largely undigitized, unstandardized, and uncoordinated, with few growers receiving formal training on materials and cultivation methods. The resulting inefficiencies, quality, and safety issues reverberate throughout the supply chain, creating risks and complications for food and beverage companies, buyers, and the environment. 

The IFC (International finance corporation, a part of the World Bank Group) sought to remedy these supply chains through digitization, and chose Agritask to implement an agronomic optimization and visibility solution across thousands of rural growers.

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